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Go from renter to homeowner in 30 days: Podcast

August 19, 2016

If you thought that owning a house was beyond you, then you have to enter the 30 Day Home Co-ownership challenge. We'll be launching soon but beat the rush and register as a co-buyer now on the Home Addressed co-ownership section and start looking for your co-buddy!

The Challenge is designed to get you together with someone, who like you, wants to buy a house but is shut out because of the large deposits needed and rising costs. We want you to get together with this like minded would be home owner and join forces. Collaborate and get off those starting blocks. We want to see you become successful home owners!

With the challenge, once you find your co-buddy, you can register on the dedicated site (coming soon) and get cracking to secure your place as a winner of this very innovative challenge that will see you go from renter to home buyer. In the meantime, just take the first step and register as a co-buyer. You can win some great prizes like $50K to put towards your home.

Listen to the Podcast that will go into more detail about co-buying and the challenge.

Keep an eye out for news of the launch and don't hesitate because you only have 30 days to get yourself ready to become a home owner...coming soon!