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Compatibility Testing


Compatibility Testing

Invest in a compatibility test. We have personality testing assessed by a qualified MBTI specialist. She is ready to profile you and your match. The results may help assist you in gaining insights to your partner and consider whether or not you want to live with an extravert or a highly sensitive soul. These tests will create a comprehensive profile to aid you with your decision. 

This is an area that is a must when going into any shared arrangement in particular, co-buying or co-tenanting a property. It reveals key information about your personality based on the Myers Briggs testing indicators. Find out as much detail about your co-purchaser or co-tenant as possible with this test that has been proven to be the most trusted personality test available today. It is widely considered to be the gold standard in personality assessments. It will help you to make a decision as to whether or not you are suitable as a co-buying partnership or can live with each other. Help to ensure the success of your home buying or sharing experience with a compatibility test.

The MBTI® instrument was developed by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs as an application of Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types.   This theory suggests that we have opposite ways of gaining energy:

  • (Extraversion or Introversion), gathering or becoming aware of information
  • (Sensing or Intuition), deciding or coming to a conclusion about that information
  • (Thinking or Feeling), (Judging or Perceiving) and dealing with the world around us

A snippet of how such information is interpreted follows:

  • If you prefer Extraversion,you focus on the outside world to get energy through interacting with people and/or doing things.
  • If you prefer Sensing, you notice and trust facts, details, and present realities.
  • If you prefer Thinking, you make decisions using logical, objective analysis.
  • If you prefer Judging, you tend to be organized and orderly and to make decisions quickly.
  • If you prefer Introversion, you focus on the inner world and get energy through reflecting on information, ideas, and/or concepts.
  • If you prefer Intuition, you attend to and trust interrelationships, theories, and future possibilities.
  • If you prefer Feeling, you make decisions to create harmony by applying person-centred values.
  • If you prefer Perceiving, you tend to be flexible and adaptable and to keep your options open as long as possible.

The test on offer is known as a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step II™ and contains an 18 page comprehensive report prepared by qualified professionals. The contents of the report are as follow:

Your Step I™ Results
Your Step II™ Facet Results
Applying Step II™ Results to Communicating
Applying Step II™ Results to Making Decisions
Applying Step II™ Results to Managing Change
Applying Step II™ Results to Managing Conflict
How the Parts of Your Personality Work Together
Integrating Step I™ and Step II™ Information

Using Type to Gain Understanding
Overview of Your Results 

It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and results are emailed to you within a 10 day period. The cost is $150 (each)...and could be the best investment you make on your path to home ownership and peace of mind.

you focus on the inner world and get energy through reflecting on information, ideas, and/or concepts.
If you prefer Intuition, you attend to and trust interrelationships, theories, and future possibilities.
If you prefer Feeling, you make decisions to create harmony by applying person-centred values.
If you prefer Perceiving, you tend to be flexible and adaptable and to keep your options open as long as possible

To purchase your Compatibility Test, click the shopping cart icon. Once payment has been received, your questionnaire will be emailed to you. The next step is to fill out the questionnaire and email back to info@homeaddressed.com.au for your results. Please ensure that your contact details are listed below.

Cost: $150 per report

Contact us to find out more.