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New Tenancy Laws: Benefits to Landlords and Tenants

New Tenancy Laws: Benefits to Landlords and Tenants: March 25, 2024


New Tenancy Laws and How Landlords and

Tenants Can Benefit

With the introduction of new tenancy laws, many rent providers (landlords) have decided to sell their properties as the requirements of adhering to the laws have become onerous. The expense of getting the property to standard, the freedoms now allowed to the tenants, the control that has been significantly wrested from the landlord all add up to an ‘it’s too hard’ mentality.


What if there were a way that rent provider and tenant could come to an agreement whereby instead of the landlord selling the property on the open market, the property were sold to the tenant!

There are many ways of transacting this: rent to buy, carry back deposit, deposit guarantee…you need to be creative and seize the opportunity. I would be happy to walk you  the process if you want to explore.



Seize the opportunity that has presented itself by virtue of these new laws!