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Scary House Prices...the end of a dream...or is it?

November 06, 2016

Just when you think these house prices can't go up any further, the unimaginable happens. A few weeks ago, the median house price in Melbourne was $725,000, now it's $774,000. Is this ludicruous? It categorically stamps out the dream of many a young home buyer. Perhaps we should say home bye, byer! That's a stinging reality. There is no way they can afford in. So does a first home buyer give up or do they start to think about a problem of this magnitude with some lateral chutzpah?

This is the only way many who are now looking dismally at their home ownership dream will have a fighting chance of owning property. Home co-ownership is a strategy not to be feared but rather embraced tightly as a stepping stone into home ownership. It can be done with a friend , family or an acquaintance. The key element is to get into the market. We know that the longer you put this off and bury your head in the sand, the less your opportunity to achieve this dream. Don't hesitate; step up and do something that will help to secure your future. It can be done with legal agreements available through Home Addressed.

House prices are breaking through the $1,000,000 don't wait until the median is $2,000,000