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Purchase a Key


Purchase a Key

Purchase a ‘key’ to contact a possible match through the HA site. We strongly recommend that you use the HA site until you have communicated a few times and feel comfortable enough to exchange emails. READ Terms and Conditions: Safety Tips


Keys & Contract

A co-buying contract is a legal document that protects each party and mitigates the risk of things going wrong. You can purchase and download up to 4 contracts on this site:

A contract costs $800 and can be used for up to 4 people.

Opportunity Knock is a free alert to the person with whom you wish to make contact. You must register for an Opportunity Knock  and to purchase Keys.  If they reply you will then need to send them a key which you may purchase.

Keys give you the freedom to open a discussion with the person you have selected. You will need to purchase these and may wish to bypass the Opportunity Knock and make a quick contact. We strongly urge you not to disclose your personal email until you feel comfortable. This is a security tip.
The price structure is as follows:

  One Key: $5.00 valid for one week
  Three Keys: $18.00 valid for 2 weeks
  Five Keys: $39.99 valid for one month
  Unlimited Keys: $99.00 valid for 6 months
  The Golden Key (unlimited number): $199 valid for one year