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House Prices Set to Rise in 2013

House Prices Set to Rise in 2013: December 13, 2012

Take heed all those waiting on the sidelines to get into property. An expert in the field warns that property prices are on their way up again in 2013. Why not team up with someone and buy NOW!!! It's still a buyer's market and if prices are set to jump again next year, you will make a tidy capital gain and what do you do when this happens??? Buy again! Register on Home Addressed co-ownership portal and find a partner.

AMP Capital chief economist Shane Oliver predicts property prices will rise by between 4% and 5% in 2013 spurred on by lower mortgage rates.

Oliver says property investors can expect returns of around 6% from their investment properties over 2013, compared with returns of 2% in 2012 and a loss of 4% in 2011, but well below expected returns for both listed property (12%) and unlisted property trusts (9%).